Sunday, October 21, 2007

Long time no Talk

Okay so there is a ton of things that I have to fill you in on my dears. Such as the fact that I am really kind of hyper, happy, sad, and not well comfortable. Like I always have been thanks to you guys I have always been comfortable with what ever and were ever I am. Now I am not and I am very slow at finding my place in this campus. I think I did find it though. The ocean and fishery sciences. No one really gives me odd looks and it isn't confusing. I don't know I just feel like I fit in there. Yey for that. Okay less depressing things. Last time I checking in with all of you was homesick. Well my mom and sister came up this weekend, and it was great to see them but I realized that I really did want to leave in the first place. I love them to death don't get me wrong, but seeing them was like seeing a wasteland that I call the tri-cites. Everything moves much slower there. I like that, but only for a bit I think. I like it here. I really do, but I don't know it still is missing something that I need, so I know this wont be my final stop in life.

BTW I am acually getting sick. I hurts to talk. I think I might be getting a sore throught. EWWW. that is never fun.

Okay so my brithday was amazing. I hung out with really cool people and did amazing things. We went to dinner instead of iceskating, went to a party and QFC which is a grocery store instead of Neighbors which is the gay club, and then watched a movie which I left half was threw. It was fun. I have a very good time. Then to top it off my mom and sister were here for the weekend. I watched Hairspray which was a great movie. Then we also watched Pirates of the Carrabien also. I LOVE THAT MOVIE. It was my first time seeing the last one. It was so romantic and I had dreams about it. It was just an amazing movie. Well okay so that was all good and dandy.

That about sums up my B-day fiasco. Then to the social things. I actally went to the GSA club meeting and it was actually good. AKA not just a bunch of high school guys gathering to talk about sex. It was good and I think it might actually be benificel for me to actually go there regualrly. I am also working on a guy. Just to let you know and it he really cool, but I think we might just end up as friends. I am still working out reguarly and I am actually gaining weight. Which is a good thing because I LOOK like I am losing it. I am putting on muscle. I am happy with me right now. I think I might actally be able to shop at A&F or Hollister and get the clothes that I like and actally have a sence of taste once I loose a few more pounds so to say.

School is going great for me. I am not over burderdened. Which is nice. I have just he right about of stuff to do. I should be doing homework right now because I have to do TWO labs and a pre-lab. That is okay though. It wont take that long I don't think. They were pretty easy things. I did take two of my mid terms. The marine biology one was nice. I think I did realyl good on it, but this little voice in the back of my head is like YOU FAILED. Which is wouldn't be suprised actually because I tend to remeber the things I self taught myself, and some of that was wrong. So that was that. THe chem fianl was easy. I only missed one problem I think because I had NO idea how to do it.

So other then that I think you are about as up-dated as you could possible be. Let me think, Birthday, Social, School and friends. Okay so the friends issue is starting to get on my nerves because I find that people change on according to who they are closest to. I do it also. It sucks, but atleast TRY to remain true to yourself if nothing else. Some people don't even do that. It makes me angry that people can change so fast. Ohh well really I guess. I can't help peoples personalities. Woot woot

So that covers it. I am happy though. I have got things off my chest and I am going to go to the gym because it closes at 6 and I didn't workout on friday. Woot woot. So I am going to leave you to read my sencelessness.

If you are reading thing that means I love you like the day is long. and more then you will ever know.



Kim said...

Glad you're doing well, buddy. I certainly miss you. You're always welcome at BYU! ^_^

Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

your so cute honey!! You need to list 10 facts about your self!!