Thursday, November 8, 2007

A good Week and hard but good

I guess I should fill you all in about what has been going on in the life of me. Well. . . all in all. . . it is very good. I had a bit of a hard start this week, and last week wasn't really fun and was all at the same time. Last week I got sick for the first time in forever and it wasn't all that much fun but it was all good. You can't always beat it. But it was okay because it was the week of Halloween. The weekend befor that I went to a haunted house. It was really fun and really scary. I came out trembling and everyone else was like bah that wasn't scary at all. I was really scared but it was fun. Then we went to the haunted collems on campus and it was really fun.

For Halloween I stayed in with Kat and we watched Sleepy Hallow, then Corpse Bride, then we ended the night with A Walk to Remember because I have never seen it all the way through. It was a really good movie. Loved it. It was a good night where nothing happened.

This last weekend was good and fun because I went to the Friday Harbor Labs and did some expiriments for my marine biology class. It was really fun. I loved it and I got to spend some time with Osinie and Megan. It was really cool and fun. It was a good confrimation of what I wanted to do. Not to mention spending two hours trying to figure out a fish that we had to identify. It was interesting because we had three males and four females and the guys well lets say they have some really distinct parts that give them away, and we didn't know what they were. It was odd. And funny, we laught for a long time about that because it was at like 9 at night and we had woken up at like 6 to get these fish. It was awsome.

But sunday kind of sucked for me because I was way behind on homework. So monday due to lack of sleep it wasn't a good day = bad week start. Tuesday was bad because I was still behind but now I am good and caught up and having fun again. I hate it when my routine is broken.

All through out this however, I am glad that Hilde is now back to who she was, because she found out that she wasn't really friends with the people she thought she was, and it was just good in general. I am happy and sad, but it is okay. No matter, I am happy.

Branden's love life is still null and void, but that is okay. I am having a good time and it might not be that way much longer because I am getting my foot in the door to a few people that I am interested in and testing the waters. I don't know much more to say.

Life is good. . . ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and my songs have returned which brings back a lot of memorries and fun times, but many new things I didn't hear. But they have changed and sometimes have pictures. It is odd, and cool. No worries. I love being me right now even if the time is chaotic. I just can't wait to get back home and see my family. I miss them all really badly.

Don't expect another post for a week or so becaus I have two midterms next week and they are one right after the other on the same day. Sucky I know but ohh well what can you do. Loves babes

Can't wait to see you all again.


Kim said...

Yay! Blog post from Branden! I have nothing to say about it, unfortunately, except that I love you. And I'll try to get on MSN whenever I remember. Miss you, sorry for your bad days, but glad you're back on top. Good job. ^_^

Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

CANT WAIT TOOOO HUG AND SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you!