Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I am tired and cold

Life is Beauty

Wasted away,
liveing for nothing
but this day.
Feel anything!

Notice the change.
Just a subtle shift,
across the broad range.
It's a spiritual lift.

Smile follows!
Raising embers,
with gold bellows.
Flame rembers.

Even the smallest light,
can seem to bright.
To people living in the darkness.

That is a bit of my view right now. I am tried and sort of depressed. I was doing really well untill this weekend hit. I went to a party it was fun, till alchol got there. Then it went down really fast as people started to get drunk. Ended up Allie was told off my Wade, and well that ended badly and Molly and I had to sit with her till 4 in the morning while she through up it all. And I had to carry her back to her own dorm. I ended up not getting to bed till like 5 in the morning. Ewwww. . . . anyway, yeah bascially I have to get my head back in the game as my dad would say. Okay here I go . ... lifting my spirits againt. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

1 comment:

Kim said...

I actually like the poem.

Dude--come to BYU! No drunk people here! ^_^ (P.S. It's way cheap!)