Sunday, February 17, 2008

Queeries. . .

Well I guess I am writing tonight because I really REALLY have things to tell you all. Well okay . . . so first off I am really happy to be home right now. I am sitting IN MY BED, IN MY HOME, WITH MY FAMILY CLOSE BY. . .it feels really good to be here. Also I am really missing you all like crazy. I mean I love Hilde and everything. But I am not as touchy feely with her as I am with everyone else. I wish I was because I do love her. But like she is to motherly and not needy enough to be a good person to cuddle with. Part of cuddlying is giving also. She doesn't really give me room to give. So not a very good touchy feely person. But still it works. I was with Nia today and was reminded what it was like to cuddle and I MISS it WITH A FREAKING PASSION. . . yeah I know. Anyway is my rant right now. OHHHH also I find it really funny. . .supposidly my dad made a comment to my mom that I find really funny. He said that Nia and I would make really pretty babies. I found this really funny because the only thing that came to my head was . . .OMG we would . . . and I told this to Nia and that is all she could come up with also. Because I have the traditional handsome, husky strenghth. . .she has the tall, slender, grace. . . .and I was like our baby would be epic. . .. it was funny. . .hahahahha. . .

Okay yeah I really miss you all like crazy. . . .Okay boy issues people. . . . So the whole thing last week well that was resolved. . .and I told him that I was hurt and that I felt sort of stupid for being hurt. .. and he agreed and said that he wouldn't have done that if he knew that I liked him. . .I appriciated that. Anyway, we put that behind us because it really didn't mean all that much. . ..he felt so bad that he changed the picture. . .I thought it was funny. .. and I have been texting him and slowly rebuilding the fire. I don't really know why I am, it just sort of happens when we talk. We are both really flirty with each other. Anyway, so like we have talked for a couple days now, and like he finally was like hey can I call you. We started to talk and I knew something was bothering him and he finally confessed that he was really sorry about the whole thing and that he sort of likes me. . .I wanted to know then like what he thought about that. . .and he was sort of like well I don't really know all that much yet, but you have a really good personality and I really like that. . .but we have to see with time. That is exactly what I thought also. Also a big thing for him was that even if we did get into a relationship he was worried about the distance in the summers and cheating. . I explained to him that I can't fathom it. And we talked about that for a bit. And then we came to a conversation about . . . . I totally lost my train of thought. . . . ohhh about if he shouldn't press anything from this. . . because he agrees that it would be fun to be just friends if nothing else. . .it was odd. . he was litteraly saying everthing that I was thinking. I don't know. . . . I am kind of really into him. I don't know we will see on wednesday what will happen. And I told him I felt bad about the gas he has to use to get to me and such. . . .and I felt for him because it about the same distance from Monty's . . . . it was another long conversation. . .. OHHH and he didn't really expect my personality to be what it is. . . I told him then how some people are scared by me at first and then find out that I am just a big teddy bear. . . . hahahhaha. . it was funny. Anyway, yeah that is my boy issues. . . . But my question is am I at fualt for just forgiving him for kissing someone else when we were just flirting? I don't know. . .does that give way to other issues that might arrise? I am sort of lost guys. .. .and I don't know if I should just take the jump and leap. Because my heart says yes, but my head says wait. . .and I am going to wait. . . but I know that my head will more then likely say no. So which do I fallow? My heart of my head? AHHHH. . . . But I really want to know what he is like. I am so lost. Anyway, my heart does say yes and I am pretty sure I will say yes for now. WOOT WOOT!!!


Kim said...

I have no advice to offer, sadly. And frankly, I have nothing to say, either. Except that your spelling mistakes are HILARIOUS, because they completely change the meaning of your sentence--it's, like, amazing word play, and what's even better is that you DON'T MEAN TO DO IT! It's like your unconscious is a genius, Branden, and you won't let it manifest itself, so it sneaks under the radar by being stupid. Amazing!

Branden said...

Hahahaha. . .thanks KIM!!!!.. . . I always knew that I was a genius under it all!!! That is really funny!!!

Branden said...

Wait. . . where do you see the mistakes? And why does it spell genius? Give me an example. . .please. . . WOOT WOOT!!!

Kim said...

For example: the title--"Queeries"... that could've been intentional, I suppose. Were you aiming for a play on "queer" or actually trying to spell "querries" (questions)?

Oh, why are you at home? How did that happen?

"Cuddlying"--you would actually spell it "cuddling," but the way you spelled it gives it the extra connotation of being cuddly and comfortable and teddy-bear-ish.

And then "fallow"--you were aiming for the word "follow," but it's neat that you misspelled it when you use the imagery of growing things. So cool.

(You know you're a Biblical Scholarship nerd when you analyze the wordplay in your friends' blogs)

Branden said...

Hahahaha. . . yeah the you are right none of those were intentional. . .LOL!!! That is just to good!

Midori Ko said...

Oh my gosh, you would! Now that tragecizes me because our children would look like Scandinavian versions of Wolverine (it's the eyebrows). Except both of us have that slim line in the genes - just not our actual jeans *grin*.

And, bytheway, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I was wondering why you put 'Queeries' as your title! I was like, 'Branden's blog had nothing to do with being gay...' Too funny.

Midori Ko said...

Hahahahahahaha! Intimidating Branden....too good, too goo...