Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Almost there!

I just wrote out a really long blog, and it was like NO ERROR!!!


- Downtown Shows went well and had a song dedicated to the choir. It was pretty.
-New boy intrest. Handsome and Charming, and actually available
-Philosophy class is NOT FUN, and I am going to fail it.
-Life is good, but busy!



Kim said...

Philosophy? What?! Branden? What kind of philosophy class is it? I can't believe you think it's boring... actually I can. I'm so sorry!

Branden said...

Hahaha. . . it is a philosophy of science. I was like ohh that sounds good. But it is taught horribly. They don't really talk about the actual things in science, but about WHY science is science. Like as in how we can accept it. I will send you a paper on it. It will make you laugh I think. I reread it and I did. I wondered where I came up with my ideas because I actually sound whitty!

Kim said...

Um... yeah, that's what philosophy is. The WHY behind a discipline. I think it sounds rather interesting, but only vaguely. I'd rather just go read some Heidegger.