Saturday, September 8, 2007

How does music happen!!!

No really, I mean what makes it. Yes you can say that vibrations and such. But that isn't music for all those that really KNOW music now is it. Music is emotion in physical form, is it? Well anyway, something prompted me to write about music. In haveing always heard songs in my life, I can never once, not a SINGLE time remember a persons song actually haveing a voice. I have never got that once. Till yesterday. It was the oddest sensation. Hearing someone sing in the middle of a croud, that no one else could hear. Yet I knew that it was in my head at the same time. Like someone wispering in my ear. It was strange. It was freaking me out till I figured out where it was coming from. It was coming from either the old lady or the old man that was sitting one table away from us at Hubby's Pizza. It was a woman singing so I guess that it was the old lady. But I couldn't shake it for being the man also. It was odd. So I wonder what that means. I mean I kept on looking at them and the woman noticed that I kept looking at them. She smiled. I wonder if the reason there was a voice and why I couldn't tell them apart was because that was TRUE and honest to God love. But that is immpossible because that would mean I have never heard true love once before. Which I truely doubt. So I was wondering. What does it mean. Maybe I am just being overly thinking. It was just strange. The song was like if you can grasp this a cross between Opera and a old irish lullabye. It was loud and soft. It was odd. I guess that makes sense because it was well what feels like one in a million. Yeah, just had to get that out there because it was the oddest sensation.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh, man. Don't even get me started on music! Particularly because I don't have a clue how it really works, and I don't want to display my ignorance.

But you know what? I understand. You know I do. Isn't it neat?

You should totally hit me up on my blog, Mr!