Friday, May 23, 2008

The time is come.

For times where you just can't hold it in anymore. I find it odd. Really that I would let so much build up in me while I am the one that preches letting go of emotion into other people. For someone who hates it when other people DON'T get vernerable sometimes, I don't get vernerable at times. I find that hypocritical. It is after all. Ohh well, it is okay. I am going home and I will relax. I will let go of all that is in me and diffuse into my surroundings. I know it isn't fair. To dump so much emotion onto my loved ones but that is why I feel like I must. I have been distant and gone. So I must do this little thing. I am vunerable right now and about to go take a midterms yet my head is clearer then normal. Ohh man I love things that touch a persons heart. So just letting you know, that who you are does make a difference. That is what got me this morning. Loves dearys.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I found a movie you would love, that will just absolutely blow your mind: The Fountain.